Sunday, October 25, 2009

Finished head box project

Sorry they're late, but here's the pics for the finished project.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My trip

Just a video of my hunny bunny and then pics of the stuff for my Jem (from the 80's Jem show, but most of you probably don't know it) costume. Jhared's mom just so happens to be a prosperous seamstress and is going to put it together for me. That's just some of the material. I didn't get pictures of the stuff for the belt. It'll be awesome when it's finished. Also, I know the wig sucks. Her hair's supposed to be light, light pink, but this is the wig they were showing on the net for her costume and it's way too dark of a pink. Oh well. I can make it work. Hope you enjoy.

Finished heads

Second attempt

The first attempt failed because everywhere where the spackle was thin the spray paint ate through. I forgot to take the heads with me to work on in NC over the break, so I just bought new ones and instead of spackling and spray painting them I put 8 coats of primer and 4 coats of white latex paint on them. Then I bought extra wire to make the "hair" on the heads. It looks a WHOLE lot better than the first attempt.

LED stills

These are just some pictures I took while I was working with the LEDs before Sarah came over and filmed me, yay.