Thursday, November 5, 2009

Wax casting sculpture

I forgot to get some pictures while I was making it this time, so here's the sculpture when it was already gated and vented. After that I have some pictures of when I was taking the rings off of it after the sand had been rammed into and around it. The idea for this piece was for it to be something light and bouyant, but light can also mean something fun and playful. I went with that route and as I worked with the sculpture, it ended up looking something like a dinosaur, I think. I really liked the look and decided to bring it out a bit more to look like that and added little spines on the head and bumpy spots for the skin. It makes me think of an abstract version of those plastic dinosaurs we all played with as children, so in that, yes, I think the concept has been successful. Children are innocent (at least some are, ha ha; certainly not my nephew and niece ^^;;) and playful, and the dinosaur is a reminder of that age when we were the most lighthearted.


  1. The first few photos look like the greatest lump of peanut brittle ever created by man or God.

    Crud, now I want peanut brittle...

  2. Oh You get an F in critique for that comment, ha ha. I still love you though. ^^ Thanks for the creative comment.
